The right answer is that Avenida Gunther Plüschow and Avenida Jorge Newbery were the runways of El Calafate’s original airport, which closed in 2001 with the opening of the Aeropuerto Internacional Comandante Tola (pictured above, presently underdoing a major expansion), about 23 km east of town. With its location so close to the town center, the original airfield was never suitable for the jets that now arrive here. Until the new airport opened, most Calafate-bound visitors had to fly to Río Gallegos and take a four-hour bus trip just to reach the gateway to the Moreno Glacier (some took an even longer bus trip from the Chilean town of Puerto Natales, after visiting Torres del Paine).

Both Newbery and Plüschow were aviators. Newbery (born 1875 in Buenos Aires), from whom Aeroparque (the Buenos Aires city airport) takes its name), died in a plane crash in Mendoza province in 1914. Despite his British-sounding name, and the importance of Anglo-Argentines in the country, Newbery’s father was from New York rather than England.
Plüschow (born 1886 in Munich) gained fame in Argentina with his pioneering flights in Patagonia, where he was the first to film the region from the air, on both the Argentine and Chilean sides of border (his biography is far more interesting than that alone, but I don’t have time to go into it here). He also died in a crash, near Lago Argentino, in 1931.
Now, of course, the old runways are part of the “Barrio Aeropuerto,” where my cousin and her husband have built their house, and design hotels and less imposing guesthouses are gradually filling in. Whenever I visit Calafate, it’s still something of a shock to drive this broad paved surface that carries almost no other traffic. There has been some talk of moving Calafate’s bus terminal here and, certainly, there’s plenty of room for it.
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