I arrived myself on a much smaller cruise ship, the Via Australis, which belongs to Cruceros Australis and shuttles between here and Punta Arenas, Chile, every austral summer. Usually these boats are filled to capacity, which is around 120 passengers, but the slowing global economy has apparently meant empty cabins and, because of that, there are some good last minute deals on this route - Ushuaia travel agencies are advertising prices as low as US$900 per person for four days, three nights, to Punta Arenas, and Cruceros’ own web site offers rates as low as US$788 (the usual price is about US$1330 per person). On a luxury cruise with gourmet food and an open bar, that visits locations as remote as Cape Horn, this is a phenomenal bargain, and worth looking into for anyone visiting Ushuaia or Punta Arenas in the next couple months.
The same holds true for Antarctica, though season’s end is approaching there.
Prices could fall even more next year, if the economic scenario does not improve. For the 2010-11 season, Cruceros Australis is commissioning the larger (210-passenger) Stella Australis, which will have additional amenities such as an exercise room and satellite phones in each cabin. Obviously, the project began well before the current crisis, but it could mean that over-capacity in the near future could keep prices low or drive them even lower - a bargain for those whose economic situation still allows them to spare the cash.
On another theme, the ATM conundrum about which I wrote recently in El Calafate is identical in Ushuaia. One Swedish visitor told me he managed to extract 500 pesos from a cash machine here, but all my efforts at various banks yesterday would not yield any more than 300 pesos - so that multiple ATM visits over several days are necessary to have enough cash to get around. Be forewarned.
Although I haven't tried it in a while, if you can't get multiple withdrawals from separate transactions off of one ATM, try from both one Banelco ATM and one Link ATM. I believe the only Link based ATM is from Banco de Tierra Del Fuego (BTF).
Great site btw and I live in Rio Grande.
Thanks for the compliment, Marc. This silly bureaucratic limitation on withdrawals is a nuisance more than anything else, but for some people it can be a costly one - when some banks collect a US$1.50 charge per transaction, it adds up fast.
I was in BA at the weekend and the limit in Banco de la Nacion at Ezeiza and Banco Frances (Scalabrini Ortiz just up from Santa Fe) was back up to 600 pesos. It actually might have been more but I only tried 600 at a time...
So, to clarify, you withdrew the 600 pesos in a single transaction, Matt?
Yep-in two different banks with a Visa debit/credit card (British cards work as both). The limit might have been more but I only tried 600 pesos as I assumed it wouldn't work but I may as well give it a go...and then both times it worked...
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